Friday, November 15, 2013

Christmas is coming!

Although it is not even Thanksgiving yet, we already have our Christmas tree up. Actually, we put up our first Christmas tree two days before Halloween. That night we suddenly had an urge to go out and buy a tree. We had already started present shopping and we were running out of place to hide the presents. We bought and decorated a beautiful Christmas tree, a modern, simple tree for our modern simple home. 

I dreamed of this tree since we first moved into our apartment (It is our first Christmas here). A white tree filled with black and silver ornaments. The pre-strung lights on the tree were multi-colored but that was ok, it still looked beautiful. We forgot that we needed an extension cord to reach the outlet so I forgot to take a picture of it lit. But unfortunately, this tree was short-lived. Our cats loved this tree as much as we did. They used to be able to fit in the tree but alas, now they are all too fat. So they completely ruined the bottom, bending the branches downwards. We returned this tree after being abused by the cats.

By chance we stumbled upon this tree while on our search for a white tree at Target. I love this tree because it is not your average tree. It is unique and very very modern. It is labeled for indoor and outdoor use. We used the same ornaments from the first tree but toned it down a bit. The branches are a bit flimsy but the plus side, the cats can't climb on it. It also might be due to the fact that we drenched it in that anti-cat citrus spray. 

No presents (sad tree)

Lots of presents (happy tree)

Everyone got their own signature ornaments that represented each of us.

Polar Bear (Me, cause I'm a december baby also it was the closest thing to a panda)

Iron Man (Tuan, much cuter and cheaper than the boring one at Walmart)

Hello Kitty (Tia, they didn't have makeup but HK does represent her well)

Pizza (Connor, he's white and can eat any kind of pizza, what can I say?)

Since we're on the subject of Christmas, I'll tell you a secret. Sandy Claws left presents for me to give to Sami and Leeah. I got them for only $1 each at Target, in the little dollar section at the front of the store!

For your viewing pleasure!

Leeah is super fluffy so red would stand out over her fluffy mane. Sami would look good in either.
Sandy Claws and her elf helper!