Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fitness motivation wallpaper

We moved into our new apartment in February. New home, new lifestyle. I began recording and tracking using the myfitnesspal app on my phone. Boy, do I tell you it's great. As long as you keep up with it. I began looking forward to the next day to see how much my body has changed. But I could not keep up with the calorie limit that I waas supposed to maintain. Also I do not keep up with regular exercise like you're supposed to. I would lose weight by watching what I eat but I found myself cheating myself every so often. Stuffing my face with chips or cookies every couple days or so. So delicious, regret would follow after.

Pinteresters inspired me to make a motivational wall. But it would definitely mess up the flow and simple modern look of my room. So finally I decided to make a wallpaper filled with all of my own favorite quotes to inspire me and keep me on track. I found a wallpaper similar to what I wanted but it did not focus on fitness motivation like I wanted it to. The final product below, one of my greatest masterpieces I'd like to share with the world. It's 1920x1080.

Modivation Wallpaper by kle1029
Modivation Wallpaper, a photo by kle1029 on Flickr.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Hot Dog (Costume)

I've finally made a blog, after all these years of putting it off. But now, I'm finally able to share with the world! What finally got me off Hulu and onto blogging was the hot dog costume I bought for my yorkie. I know, I know; oOo so cute, so cheap, Ebay right? NO! While I was shopping with my little cousins at the mall they BEGGED me to go into build-a-bear workshop. I've always wanted to build a bear but then the bear that I would want to make would probably cost a fortune. Then collect dust along with my giant valentines teddy bear in my closet. Anyways, after roaming and touching everything in the store with my cousins, I happened upon the clearance section (my favorite part of the store). There I saw a hot dog. Oh so cute! But it said kennel pet, I spent a good five minutes yelling to my brother across the store, "This is for dogs right?", over and over. After a while I finally registered the meaning of "for stuffed animals only". So I ran over and grabbed the nearest dog teddy and guestimated that that teddy was bigger than my puppy, Angel. For $7, for a dog costume while on Ebay the cheapest I saw was $14, not only that there is shipping time... Yes, please! I brought it home to put on my roommate's fat cat, Leeah. She used to be able to fit Angels cloths... not anymore.

Then I put it on my kitty, Sami (short for Samurai). The was terrified, her face was like "what did you put on me?!"

Angel will be coming to stay with me in my apartment on friday. I'll post a picture of her when I can.