Friday, July 19, 2013

So it begins...

After watching about six hours of the newest season of Extreme Weight Loss, you begin to think: "Why not?" "If they can do it I can do it". I've been putting off exercise for a while but my motivation has been renewed, looking at Chris Powell and his firm body. I want to be firm too! I used to go to the gym with my roommates for about 30 minutes whenever they were up for it. Thing is they only want to do it at night. By that time I would have exhausted myself from the day. Working out in the morning is so much better. It makes you wake up early, you're refreshed, and gives you more energy for the day. 

I started the following every other day except Saturday and sunday: stretch, one mile around the track (about 12-15 minutes), strength training (about 20 minutes, mostly walking around and playing with the machines), and then 25 minutes any cardio. Non-gym days: total body workouts (about 30 minutes) and then any cardio (usually just dance or swimming). Along with myfitnesspal to track my caloric intake, I aim for 1200 a day. With the exercise it allows me to eat more and it cancels out the extra calories. I don't stress about going over by a few hundred calories and I eat whatever want but I try to control myself. So far since I started my workout (today was only my third day), I've lost a few ounces that I've been trying to get rid of. So that now my morning weight is 119.8. Hurray! Finally in the 119.
So afterwards to keep my mini going I started to make workout tanks. Below is a shirt that I've had for ages but I don't like to wear it much since it didn't look that cute.

First I chopped off the sleeves and then the neckline. I then zig-zagged around the raw edges of the shirt. My handiwork was not too skillful so it turned out a little ghetto looking but thats okay, it's just a workout shirt. The shirt felt too big for me so I took in both sides of the shirt by getting rid of white stripe in the back, keeping the front stripe. I used one of the white stripes I cut out from the back to use to make a bow and hand sew it onto the back. But when I put on the shirt the top perked out a bit so I cut and sewed a V-shape down to where I wanted the bow to be. The end result is below. 

Front of Shirt:

Back of Shirt: 

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