Sunday, October 27, 2013

Batman Costume

Halloween is around the corner! Everyone is scrambling around to find a last minute costume. I've been brain storming costume ideas since September. Also for work we dressed up in costumes since halloween is on thursday also it was to promote our halloween party packages at pump it up or more like to accommodate them.

Originally, I was going to dress up as Katniss from the Hunger Games for work but since the kids probably won't understand what it is I decided to save it for actual halloween. Also I was going to be Pikachu, a pokemon, but I did not have the time or the materials at hand to create the look. So I went with Hello Kitty and Batman/Batgirl.

I saw some really cute DIY Batman masks online and decided to do my own version. The other versions used felt but since I only had black canvas fabric, thats what I used and it turned out pretty well.

First I cut off a rectangle of fabric that would fit onto my face. I held it up to my face and used my fingers as place holders to where I wanted the mask to end. I used a white pencil to mark those spots. I repeated this with the tip where the center of the mask would be and at the bottom center of the mask where I wanted it to end on my face.'

Using the points of reference I created, I slowly sketched out the batman logo. Once I was satisfied I cut out the soon-to-be mask.

Afterwards, I held the mask up to my face, positioning it exactly how I wanted it to sit when I wore it. Using my fingers and the white pencil, I roughly outlined my eye sockets. Picture below.

 After outlining the eyes on the mask, I went over and made the eye holes more symmetrical. Then I cut those out too. To measure out the elastic I held elastic along the mask and wrapped it around my head. I put it in the position where I would want the band to go around my head. I wanted the elastic to go under the top layer of my hair so no one would see it. I definitely made sure that there was enough length so that I could wear the mask all day but not too much so that it would not slip off. I sewed on the elastic to the mask, going back and forth multiple times to make sure the fabric would not give during work.

Back of Mask

Front of mask

In order to show off the mask, I decided to clip my bangs up with bobby pins. I felt like I was not dressed up enough so I made a little bow out of left over ribbon from a Harry Potter Apron I made for my roommate. It was really simple. I tied a bow and then strung it on a bobby pin. It did require a lot of fixing when I put it in my hair since I did not secure the bow in any way to hold.

For make up, I just did my normal routine but I wore black eyeshadow for the first time.

Asian eyes are hard to see any amount of eye shadow

Not too bad

Looking back now, I should have cut the eye sockets more near the corners of my eyes. It seems unfitted.

This creepy pose is to also show off the bow in my hair. The batman shirt I got at Walmart for about $10. It has a yellow cape on the back. Super Cute.

The finished costume. Normal black leggings were worn along with black ankle boots. Steve photo bombing me in the background as always.

I had a tough time trying to figure out which boots would be more appropriate for the costume but looking at all of the batman/batgirl pictures they wear leather looking boots. But basically boiling it down any pair of black boots would fit perfectly. The less lace and the more simple it is the better.

Selfie with Jenna (FBI) after a long days work at Pump It Up ;)

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