Saturday, October 5, 2013

First Etsy sale and ongoing projects

I am so excited! My very first Etsy sale was made a few days ago. It only took about two months for my first sale. I started brain storming for the A Bit of Everything Emergency Kit about a little more than six months ago. I actually started making test designs for the pouch in the summer time. A month before school start in August I was able to complete the design and perfect the product. It took me about a week or two just to sort out pricing, packaging, shipping, and photographing. I basically put up the shop for fun and if my items did not sell by Christmas I would have given them away as presents. I was amazed that someone would actually want to buy something that I made! Of course others have thee handcrafted items sold so easily but their pieces are so beautiful and crafty. Not that I do not think my masterpiece is not crafty but it is something that can be made at home. I guess people do pay for convenience. So  I did find out that my shipping prices were underpriced so I had to make up the difference in the cost with some of the profit money I was receiving from the kit. But I just had so much fun packaging the item and just taking it all in. The experience itself was so much worth it. I know I am ranting and getting a little carried away with such a simple thing but it is such a wonderful feeling.
On the other hand, I am working on some side project in which I plan to post up on my blog. I have the makeup vanity, bookcase decorating, pear shaped fashion, the fitness motivation wallpaper for the iPhone. The wallpaper will be large enough to fit almost any phone with proper cropping.

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