Monday, December 16, 2013

Anna Bang Hair Design Tampa - Liscio Japanese Hair Straightening Review

Tia got their hair straightened by them. She told me that she did some research and everyone said that they were the best around. Tia has wavy hair, after she came home her hair was so soft, beautiful, and pin straight. I knew I had to have it!

4/5 years ago I got my hair straightened in Vietnam. I do no know what the treatment was called but I do remember the steps being very similar to the Liscio. Of course, in Vietnam everything is dirt cheap. I didn't personally pay for myself but it was definitely under $200. They also put dye in the mix and my hair with a tint of red. But we are not in Vietnam are we, so I had to do with what is around. 

My hair is considered straight. But I dye my hair and I have a layered hair cut so it frizzes out and the dyes of course damage your hair. The reason I wanted to get this was for the convenience. Ideally I want to just wake up beautiful. Obviously that is not possible but if my hair were to dry straight before I go to bed then that would save my a lot less time in the morning. I am so lazy plus I do not have time to do my hair in the morning.

Once Tia came home with her hair and after I was done molesting it. I told Tuan that I wanted her hair for my birthday/Christmas present. Originally I wanted the Fitbit Force and the Just Dance 2014 but I retracted it and told him I wanted my hair straightened. He was pretty happy about it at first since he did not get me the gifts yet. That is until I told him that it was about $350. He almost died! He gave me the $400 he made in profit from selling his phones. 

Pre- Appointment-  I was so ecstatic to get my hair done. I wanted to schedule the appointment as soon as possible but I had no idea what my work schedule was like. When I finally found out I was free by the time I called on Sunday, they were closed. Again on monday. I left a message saying that I could only get it done Tuesday or Wednesday. After the process you can not wash your hair for 72 hours. I can barely go a day without washing my hair. No way I would go to work with greasy hair so really I needed it done on Tuesday.

Setting up the Appointment- Tuesday morning, while I was cramming for finals and waiting for them to open, they called be back 20 minutes before opening time. YAY! Unfortunately, Anna told me that they were full today but I could get it done Wednesday. She also said it would be okay if I washed my hair Saturday morning before work. That would be about 60 hours instead of 72. She asked me about my hair texture, length, and thickness. It was hard to describe over the phone, my opinion of my hair might not be true. She explained to me what Liscio was and everything. I told her that my hair reached down to my bra strap. She estimated the price to be $400. WHAT? I did not expect that one. I've always thought of my hair as medium but apparently it is classified as medium long (I googled that). She said that medium would be shoulder length... Okay, thats just money coming out from their tip. I paid a $50 deposit over the phone. My appointment time was at 10:30, so I would be done around 2:30. It takes about 4 hours to do depending on the length of your hair.

Upon arrival-   Speeding, I arrived at 10:29 on the dot. I was greeted by this lovely cutie! Later I found out that they rescued her in addition to 6 other dogs they have! 

So before we began, Paul (Anna's husband), was like oh your hair is pretty straight. I disagreed and said it was wavy at the bottom but they told me it was because of the layers and the hair dye made my hair like that. Paul told me that if I grew out virgin hair (untouched by dyes or chemicals) that it would be pin straight. We spend about 20 minutes talking about my hair. I started to get nervous because I felt like they were telling me that after the treatment my hair would look the same as it was. But that was not the case, he was just trying to explain and make sure I understood the results. He said that with Tia's hair you could see the difference after the treatment but with mine there would not be. He told me it would make my hair texture different which in turn would make it easier to manage in the morning. That is exactly what I wanted. I knew that it would not be perfect, I just wanted to spend a lot less time on it. I guess the way I told them of my expectations sounded like I was expecting to wake up super pin straight all the time.

Before Pictures- 

This is my everyday morning hair. 

You can see that the layers make my hair curl out.

The bell shape is reenforced from my pillow and my shoulders.

Treatment-  First, we began by washing my hair. When we got back Paul put these ear guards on my ears. I thought they were hilarious. They did not do that for me in Vietnam (my ears had a chance of burning off).

There was a long process in which I do not remember much of the process but we washed my hair several times, the process took about 3 hours. I could not see much since I took off my glasses, I didn't want to wear contacts because I was afraid that the chemicals might sting my eyes like how it is with some hair dyes. That was not the case, I should have worn contacts. I spent most of my time on my phone and blogging.

This is the new heat dryer thing. You know they used to be domes that looked
 like a strainer being held over your head. Paul in the back, Hi Paul!

After Pictures- 

Now that it's all straight and beautiful you can see the flaws in my home hair dying.

The bottom of my hair is from last years attempt on bleaching.

Payment-  Their website is a little messed up because they created a new website but the old one is still linked to the new current one. On the old website they had a coupon on there which I printed out. But they no longer accept. So when I presented it to them they told me about that it is invalid. Okay, I knew it was too good to be true. But in return they gave me conditioner and one for Tia because she referred me and wrote a review for them. It was nice of them because they did not have to give us anything.

The conditioner that they gave to Tia and I, retail value $28.

This is the after treatment, it is included in the the price of the Liscio, retail value $50. 
This is applied to the hair once a week after the treatment is done and left on 
for 30 minutes - 3 hours, the longer the better.

Overall- Their service was good. They were very nice and professional. I liked that they made sure that I understood what the outcome would be and talked to me before they proceeded with the treatment. I bet Paul has done this treatment so many times because when he rinses your hair, he tips your ear back to get any water trapped on the outside (First time that any salon had done that for me). When he dries your hair he makes sure to also dry your outer ears. At one point, he massaged the back of my neck because it was sore from leaning back on the sink for so long. When I was blind and blogging on my Ipad, he brought over a pillow so I could rest it on. I am pretty sure that they were not expecting much gratuity from me. As a poor college student, I did mention to them that the hair treatment was being paid for by Tuan and that it was a gift. Originally, I was only going to give them $40 but Paul was so nice. I tipped them $50. I would definitely recommend this salon to anyone. I am planning on going back to them to get my hair color fixed in two weeks.

Before/After Picture

1 comment:

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